
Our company, completely biologically certified, extends itself on a surface of around 15 acres, composed of several plots and mining composition.
Located in the municipality of Casoli (CH), on the edge of the Majella massif and the park of the same name, at an average altitude of 400 metres above sea level.
Land in the vicinity of the Aventino river and Lake S. Angelo with a mitigating climatic function, overlooking the Site of Community Interest (SCI) Lecceta di Casoli and Colle Foreste forest.
The altitude, temperatures, temperature range and exposure make the microclimate inimitable and the products difficult to reproduce elsewhere.

Those who preceded us have always worked on the family business, growing olive trees, cereals, fodder and vines.
The results obtained, the result of the experience accumulated day after day, have come to us as essential values.